Pregnancy Puts Women at Higher Risk for Developing Hemorrhoids

Pregnancy and Hemorrhoids Overview

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Pregnancy puts women at a higher risk for developing hemorrhoids that can range from moderate to severe outbreaks. This is a normal occurrence when a woman's body is experiencing changes caused by being pregnant. During pregnancy, there is extra pressure being exerted to both internal and external hemorrhoidal blood vessels, which can result in symptoms ranging from anal itching, strong discomfort, pain, swelling, and in some instances bright-red blood appearing in fresh stool after a bowel movement. There is a rich network of fine blood pumping veins located around the anus and in the rectum that can become subject to inflammation while a woman is pregnant causing hemorrhoids (piles) to grow.

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In many cases, hemorrhoids can be prevented with regular exercise and a high fiber diet during pregnancy. However, diet and exercise cannot always guarantee women a hemorrhoid free pregnancy. Mother Nature causes many changes to occur within a woman's body during stages of being pregnant; hemorrhoids happen to be one of the most common a woman would like to do without. It is nice when couples say, "we are pregnant." The reality is the "royal we" disappears when it is only you dealing with hemorrhoid symptoms. Getting a better understanding of what hemorrhoids are, also known as piles, will help with prevention, relief from symptoms, and complete elimination through proper treatment.

What Is A Hemorrhoid?

A hemorrhoid is dilated blood vessels in the anal area of a person's body. They can be completely external inflamed tissue or internal inflammation inside the rectum. Internal hemorrhoids develop inside the rectum. Normal internal piles usually do not cause pain, but may cause bleeding during bowel movements. A more troublesome variety of internal hemorrhoid may prolapse. This means the growth will extend outside the anus causing it to become very painful. The blood supply being provided to inflamed internal anal veins fuel its growth. These require immediate attention and treatment to provide fast relief and comfort.

External hemorrhoids are located around the anus and when fully inflamed you can feel a very hard lump of swollen blood tissue. Skin tissue covers them, but they are extremely sensitive to the touch, and can bleed, even during normal bowel movements. The tissue around the rectum is at its utmost delicate and simply going to the restroom and cleaning afterwards can become very difficult without treatment.

What Causes Hemorrhoids during Pregnancy?

Veins that surround the anus and rectum can cause a hemorrhoid to develop during pregnancy because of the weight of the fetus increases pressure to the blood vessels in the anal region. Throughout pregnancy the fetus and uterus are continually growing, which increases pressure on blood vessels in the lower pelvic region. These natural hormonal changes cause these vessels to enlarge much greater than their normal size. It is natural chemical physiology that happens within the wonderful human body. Regular constipation and straining through bowel movements can cause inflammation and piles to develop.

Piles often will appear as a postnatal problem as well, due to the result of increased tension and strain during child birth. Giving birth is completely natural, but a woman's body will experience pressure to veins in her lower region that can cause hemorrhoids. This is where hemorrhoid treatments during pregnancy and after can help.

Safe Hemorrhoid Treatments for Pregnant Women

Stay hydrated! Water is the best substance on earth to keep natural functions running smoothly within your body. Proper hydration allows for much easier bowel movements without treatments or medication. Natural fruit juice will also provide a big boost when it comes to keeping your body hydrated. Incorporating foods rich in fiber is another fantastic addition to keeping bowel movements stress free. During and after pregnancy, constipation and straining to use the restroom are major enemies to the body. This can inflame hemorrhoids or cause them to develop postnatal.

If it should happen you need more help to relieve itching, pain, and bleeding associated with hemorrhoids there are many excellent over the counter treatments or holistic cures available online. In some cases surgery is a highly effective option when a case of piles needs professional medical treatment.

Pregnancy Puts Women at Higher Risk for Developing Hemorrhoids
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