Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Hemorrhoids

Preventing hemorrhoids is the best way of dealing with them. They can be one of the most embarrassing and frustrating health problems to have. With that, there are a number of things that can be done to prevent hemorrhoids. You will first want to understand if you are vulnerable to them. Obese males over 50 years of age with digestive problems are most susceptible to getting hemorrhoids. Those who also spend a lot of time standing or lifting heavy objects are vulnerable. Regardless of your profile, it is a good idea to take preventative steps to promote a healthy lifestyle that can reduce your risk for getting hemorrhoids.

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Changing your diet can help to prevent hemorrhoids. Nutritionists and doctors alike, will recommend a fiber rich diet to help prevent hemorrhoids. Fiber is important because it adds bulk to the stool making it softer and easier to pass. Dry, hard stool is difficult to pass through the anal canal, which leads to straining and enlarged blood vessels. The increased blood vessel size is involved in most types of hemorrhoids.

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Hemorrhoid diets include lots of fruit, vegetables and water. Fiber supplements are also a good idea if you are vulnerable to hemorrhoids. There are several over the counter supplements available to keep stool soft and bowel movements. Stool softener is also a choice, though a doctor should be consulted before its use. They should be used with care as too much fiber without enough water may cause gas and increase constipation.

Hemorrhoid sufferers are often afflicted with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Having severe constipation makes you vulnerable to hemorrhoids as it leads to severe straining. Bowel movements need to be as painless and free from strain as possible. One should not strain or hold off bowel movements. Stool can become hard and difficult to pass when it is held on to. Your bathroom habits can help in preventing hemorrhoids.

Regular exercise can be very important in preventing hemorrhoids. The primary risk factor for getting hemorrhoids is being overweight, so an exercise program designed to lose weight can be an important prevention tool. Obesity causes strain on the body's blood vessels and can cause then to be become enlarged and result in hemorrhoids. Incorporating physical activity into your daily schedule will significantly reduce your likelihood of preventing hemorrhoids.

Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Hemorrhoids
24 Counter Stools

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